
Take a look at these videos to get started with Understand, or delve deeper into a particular topic.

Bug Hunter Video
Want some help with finding and walking through fixes for bugs in your code? Now this is easier than ever with Bug Hunter! This video covers how to set...
Fri, 14 Jun, 2024 at 11:40 AM
VS Code Extension Video
Is Visual Studio Code your favorite editor to use? Now you don't have to give it up to gain the power of Understand™ analysis!  This video covers...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 2:55 PM
Context Menu Video
The Context Menu is the fastest way to access most actions and information you may need for any entity within Understand™. This video goes over the basic fe...
Mon, 13 Dec, 2021 at 8:20 AM
Graph Overview Video
Graphs in Understand™ can tell you almost anything you want to know about your code, in a concise and visual format. This video covers the basics of Graphs,...
Tue, 2 Nov, 2021 at 10:37 AM
Architecture Designer Video
Using the Architecture Designer, Understand™ now lets you design and build your custom architectures with a visual, top-down approach. The video below cover...
Wed, 20 Oct, 2021 at 9:26 AM
Introduction to Understand
What is Understand? This animated video gives a brief explanation of what Understand is and what it can do for you. Basic Navigation This short v...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 11:07 AM
Creating a New Project From Source
There are several different ways to create a new project in Understand™. This video covers the first, which is to set it up by pointing at your source code’...
Wed, 19 Mar, 2025 at 9:59 AM
Creating an Understand project from a CMake project
There are several different ways to create a new project in Understand™. This video goes over how to easily create a new one out of an existing CMake projec...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 11:04 AM
Creating an Understand project from a Visual Studio project
There are several different ways to create a new project in Understand™. This video covers how you can easily and accurately create one out of an existing V...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 11:04 AM
Custom File Extensions Video
After you’ve analyzed your Understand project, are you finding that certain files and functions aren’t showing up in the Entity Filter, or right-clicking th...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 11:03 AM