Build Notes (1202) - 6 Sep 2024

Git Revision: 98f50499e8eacbec909a667f0b31933d3c26f465

Cherry Picks: None



  • Improve handling of intrinsic functions in Tasking MCS compiler mode


  • Fix printing artifacts in the footer of the first page of multi-page printouts



  • Update Object References with Called By graph to show "c assign functionptr" references.


  • Add a swap action to the compare files/folders dialog.

Language - C#

  • Fixed bug in locating facade DLL's in msbuild imports
  • Change DLL lookup alogrithm to more closely match VisualStudio, when importing C# msbuild projects that use NetFramework
  • Fixed bug where imported solution files with projects targeting different frameworks sometimes resulted in invalid missing type warnings.
  • Fixed crash when processing some 'global using' statements with syntax errors.

Known Issues

  • Inaccurate Column References in CodeCheck Violations When Using Tabs
  • Incorrect control flow graph when simplify macro expansion is enabled