Launching Understand from the terminal gives you access to several flags that can streamline opening specific projects, files and can even open the Understand context menu. Below is a list of flags and what they can do:

-helpShow command line flags available to user.
Don't display the splashscreen on startup.
When used with -existing this causes this instance to block while waiting for the other instance to finish the given command.
Detect a running instance and to send command-line to that instance.
-newForce creation of a new instance of Understand.
Ignore all project load requests on startup. Also clears the "Open Last Project" application setting.
Open the last project opened by the application.
Open the specified project file.
filename [line-number column-number] (Open the file "filename" in an editor window. Optionally position caret at line-number and column-number.
-contextmenu -line -col -text
Open the context menu for the specified location.
disables all dialogs, message-boxes and splashscreens that may show at startup.
manually set the working directory.
Use the directory of the last opened project as the current working directory.
filepath_left filepath_right (compare two files or folders).
-graphicssystem native
Enable faster rendering when exporting the X11 display.
-translation conf/translations/understand_zh_CN.qm
Launch with Chinese or other translation.
Required parameter: <importfile.ini> (Import UserTools from an .ini file.).
Cleans the licensing file.